Candidly Speaking
Nothing fancy here, no theme, no word play, just my random thoughts at home at the end of the day.
Just to update on what I have coming up in the works.
February 10th marks the date I launched this site, which is a pretty big milestone for me personally I guess, seeing as there’s probably only been less than a handful of visitors I’d invited personally. Really isn’t the type of site anyone just comes across or stumbles upon without me initiating it, and I sort of much rather keep it that way. Obviously I don’t mind if anyone shares but really, this is the sort of thing that isn’t really meant for much anyone else besides myself. Just a record of my existence sort of and what I have to say about things in my own way, on my own time. I sort of got off of writing in my journal and moved into foley doing this. The beauty of it is I can do it anywhere, anytime. For these longer posts I prefer sitting down in front of my laptop and typing it out but the mobile version allows me to update out and about throughout my day and is sort of a live feed as thoughts and ideas come to me, which happen all the time all through out my day. I still keep pocket books offhand too just in case and I still jot down ideas that way too, titles, notes, etc. Just multiple outlets I have to self expression, which is mainly what I’m trying to achieve here. The good, the bad, the ugly.
At some point I’ll be revamping this site, making it look a bit sleeker and also adding some other links that will run concurrent to what I’m doing here. I’m getting in a special type cable tomorrow and will be bring back a podcast that I started several years ago called “Bare Bones Radio” that I haven’t made an episode for since September 2019, pre pandemic! Thinking of maybe changing the title but not sure. Sort of thinking of “Flagship Pirate Radio” or “Spearhead” or something like that but I still really like the original name, sort of a story behind it I’ll get to later, maybe write an article on. Also along with that I hope to record 1 song, either an original or a cover every episode, get me back in the mode of making/recording music again which has never been far from my mind of doing. Hope to make at least 1 episode a month, not going to shoot for much more than that. Even back when I was doing it, sometimes that seemed like at all order but this time I’m gonna do it differently. a little more streamlined and less up my own ass about every episode being all vinyl. It’s nice listening to the old episodes to hear all the hiss, pops, needles drops, and crackles, but ultimately, who cares. That was cool, but also a super expensive way to produce each episode, I’ll tell you that! But you should also know that everything I’m doing is all and has always been out of my own pocket and it will always be for free. No possible way I’m even trying to make money here, by viewership or sponsorship, all just a labor of love. And since I make all my own money independently, I don’t really have to do this or am beholden to anybody about it, this is all authentically me, I just hope it goes appreciated or that the user, the consumer, somebody, anybody, gets something out of it. The biggest problem with that is people coopting and stealing my ideas, since none of this is at all copywriter, just here and timestamped. It’s a problem that I’m going to have to figure out sometime, cause trust me, it has happened and it hasn’t gone unnoticed on my part. I have seen people in my circles loosely taking something I’ve done or expanding upon it in some way, but hey, tbh, I don’t really care. I’m kind of an idea machine and once I’m sort of one and done, it’s on to the next, but anyway, getting back to it.
I’m alos trying to figure out a better way to adding my photos to the site in an “instagramish” trip way to everything I write about or use pictures to aid in articles but again, something I’m hashing out. Also I do make a lot of videos but it seems that this site only supports YouTube and Vimeo. I don’t want to use those big tech sites but I don’t have a Vimeo (nor do I want one) and hypocritically enough I pay for a YouTube account so I don’t have to listen to ads so likely I’ll be uploading more of my videos there and then reposting them here. Only I’ll have to change my name and info there, still on this part way anonymous kick so I want to keep it that way. Only ironic part is if you know me, you already know who this is, but i’m not keeping any secrets really, keeping it sort of an open secret. Not trying to hide, but not trying to really put myself out there either. “If you know, you know” type deal (though I can’t stand the uptightness of that saying). Plus tbh, nobody really reads anymore, but if you are and have read this far, guess what, I love you, and you rule! xoxo
So that’s about it, better site coming up, podcast getting revamped, more pictures, and videos will be added, and I’m stoked and excited to see this thing process and develop moving forward. Plan is to basically take everything I’m doing off of social media and movie it here, maybe people interested to follow, maybe not, but that won’t discourage me. Deal is i’m doing this for me, cause it’s the type of thing I’ve always wanted to just do. Go off, do stuff, think about stuff, write about stuff, bring it to one place for anybody to delve in as deep as they wanna. Not for views, for clicks, for likes, for comments, for me to get obsessed with in the wrong ways, nothing but my open letter to the world. course I’d like feedback and maybe I’ll add an encrypted e-mail address as a contact, who knows (yes I keep encrypted e-mails…something crypto trading has taught me to do).
Some other randomshit happened to me today, and yesterday. Ran into the ex-wife of my dead friend at the dog park, had an awkward exchange that was sort of serendipitous. Having to lay off my apprentice who’s getting replaced, had some heated conversations but it’s all good, daughter seems to be doing well, worked out, ate well, feeling good actually. Better than I had been in the last couple of days. Think the media hiatus is really helping me. I don’t need to know every stupid thing that goes on or what people are mad about or I should be scared about. I’m just living my days. Of course I’m in the know of what’s happening on all fronts, I still see thing moving in strange directions, but all in all I’m steering the ship of my own personal life in the direction it needs to go, so at the moment I’m not really worried about anything. Right now, just sitting back, letting it all wash through, chilling out, and about to catch up on some well deserved sleep. And fuck all do I need to shower and shave, maybe the other S too.