
…and I stress our youth, because I think people imagine that you can only make contributions if your old and laden with degrees and that sort of thing, and basically our pure reckless inventiveness carried us further into the heart of the mystery then I would have ever believed possible. (And I should say a little bit about the method, because I think that that’s important) Rationalism in confrontation with the weird edges is what’s always worked for me. In other words, if you’re a true believer, if you have some prepackaged philosophy, than you’re going to miss a great deal, because you’re preprogrammed to ignore what doesn’t fit into your model. And it doesn’t matter what your model is, but if you aren’t simply the open minded skeptic/witness, and then if you push at the edges of the phenomenal world, you know, go to the highest mountains, the oldest cities, the deepest deserts, the most remote jungles, and just simply put yourself in these circumstances, the cosmic giggle CAN get at you. You know, it can’t get at you if your pursuing your job delivering messages for Mathew and Sons or whatever it is you got going. But if you will tear the human atom of your individuality out of the collectivity and set yourself out into a wilderness, a desert, an uninhabited island, then this thing can rise out of the depths and communicate a (?), shape your life, for sure blow your mind.
-Terrance Mckenna




Bare Bones Radio #30